You will need hatch to run this project. You can install hatch with pipx. See Hatch and Pipx. The commands here are for windows powershell. If you use another shell, you'll have to change things as needed.
pip install pipx
pipx install hatch
Then from the repo root folder run.
hatch shell chat
cd .\src\llama_cpp_chat_memory\
python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
playwright install
You will need spacy models for text embeddings if you do not use llama-cpp embeddings. Playwright is used by the old webscrape scripts. These are not needed for running the chatbot itself.
You also might want to run llama-cpp with gpu acceleration like cuda. See llama-cpp-python for specifics. Then run:
pip install llama-cpp-python --force-reinstall --upgrade --no-cache-dir --no-deps
Note that this example is for powershell and for the latest llama-cpp-python. You will need to change the command based on the terminal and the llama-cpp-python version.
Get a gguf model from a site like
The Bloke
and a character card and lorebooks from a site like Character hub or make your own with character editor
Change the .env_test to .env and make sure that the correct folders exist.
You can set the collection to "" and try the chatbot by running:
chainlit run
If you want to create memory then see more details below.