Creating embeddings
The embeddings creation uses env setting for threading and cuda. The Example documents are in the Documents folder. The scripts are in the documents_parsing folder.
Use --help for basic instructions.
The parsing script will parse all txt, pdf or json files in the target directory. For json lorebooks a key_storage file will also be created for metadata filtering.
You need to download models for NER parsing. Textacy parses text files with Spacy sentence transformers to automatically generate keys for metadata filters. The default model is en_core_web_lg. See available models at Spacy Models
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
python -m spacy download en_core_web_md
python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
You might want to play with the chunk size and overlap based on your text documents
The example documents include a txt file for 'Skynet' and 'Shodan'
The supported lorebook formats are chub inferred AgnAIstic and SillyTavern original source.
For pdf files there is a pdf file of short stories from Fyodor Dostoyevsky included The source is Internet Archive, the copy is in public domain. The pdf text quality is quite poor thought, so I recommend getting another file.
Performance for files over 200mb is not great. Parsing a large text with a large keyfile will result in poor performance. It's more effective to have smaller colletions that have their own keyfiles rather that one large collection with one keyfile. I recommend splitting sollections my subject category and then switching as needed.
!!Important!!. You need to make sure that the documents, character_storage and key_storage folders exist.
Textacy parsing will use NER to parse keys from the document using sentence transformers. This keys can be used as Chroma metadata, NOTE: Textacy parsing will create a key file in key_storage that can be used by text parsing. Json files will create keys automatically if present in json file.
python -m document_parsing.textacy_parsing --collection-name skynet --embeddings-type spacy
Parse csv to text
python -m document_parsing.parse_csv_to_text
Parse the documents with. The new document parsing uses multiprocess to parse metadata keys created with parse_ner script. This increases the processing speed with large key files by a significant margin. The old script uses a single thread for processing keys and this can cause significant slowdown with many documents with large keyfiles. You can give the number of threads for the multiprocess with --threads
python -m document_parsing.parse_text_documents
python -m document_parsing.parse_text_documents
python -m document_parsing.parse_json_documents
You can test the embeddings with
python -m document_parsing.test_embeddings --collection-name skynet --query "Who is John Connor" --embeddings-type llama
python -m document_parsing.test_embeddings --collection-name skynet2 --query "Who is John Connor" --embeddings-type spacy
python -m document_parsing.test_embeddings --collection-name hogwarts --query "Who is Charles Rookwood'" --embeddings-type spacy
Optional params | Description |
--data-directory | The directory where your text files are stored. Default "./run_files/documents/skynet" |
--collection-name | The name of the collection. Default "skynet" |
--persist-directory | The directory where you want to store the Chroma collection. Default "./run_files/character_storage/" |
--key-storage | The directory for the collection metadata keys Need to be created with textacy parsing. Default "./run_files/key_storage/" |
--chunk-size | The text chunk size for parsing. Default "1024" |
--chunk-overlap | The overlap for text chunks for parsing. Default "0" |
--embeddings-type | The chosen embeddings type. Default "spacy" |